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Carla Molinaro  OTE Duo Bar & Soft Flask

Carla Molinaro - OTE Duo Bar & Soft Flask

How do you find using the OTE Duo Bar?

I absolutely love the OTE Duo Bar! It is easy to eat, tastes bloody delicious and sustains my energy really well. I also use it if I need a little pick me up during the day.

What races or training has it helped you in most?

I have been using it in my training for Canyons 100km, which I am doing next weekend. I have used it on all of my long runs and plan to alternate it with gels at the race.

Why you enjoy using the blue soft flask with  races?

The ones I use are great, because they fit nicely into my pack are easy to drink from and refill whilst training and the racing. I used to use a bladder but I find the soft flasks easier to use and more comfortable to run with so don't think I will go back now. 

What you like most about the OTE nutrition range?

It tastes goods and sustains my energy really well. Those are the two main things that I look for with sports nutrition and OTE have nailed it.

What upcoming races do you have within the next 3 months?

Canyons 100km  - 24th April
Ultra X Scotland - 8th & 9th May
Ultra X Spring 50km - 22nd May

About the Author
XMiles Ambassador 2021
Check out Carla's Website, Instagram, Facebook.
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