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Precision Fuel Taster Pack
Precision Fuel Taster Pack
Exclusive Offer: Try Precision Fuel's Drinks
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Mountain Fuel Product Testing Run Event

Mountain Fuel Product Testing Run Event

On Sunday 19th February we hosted the first FREE XMiles product testing run event form the new XMiles Wimborne Store and HQ

The first event was the Mountain Fuel Product Testing Run Event, this event was supported directly by Mountain Fuel


The Runners

A great group of mixed ability runners meet at 08:30 Sunday morning at the XMiles Store, the schedule of the day was meet at the store, fuel with Morning Fuel Power Pancakes and Mountain Fuel XTreme Energy drink and head out on the trails from Wimborne across to Badbury Rings and back to the store for Mountain Fuel Recovery drinks.

Morning Fuel Power Pancakes

We kicked off with Morning Fuel, a great product that can be utilised at any time of the day – despite its name! By mixing with a little water or milk (hot or cold), use as your pre-event meal or shake.  We decided to try out a variation of one of the Mountain Fuel recipes on the group 'Power Pancakes'

Banana Pancakes

Recipes can make around 40 mini power pancakes (try with half for 20 power pancakes)

  • 1 sachet of Morning Fuel
  • 1 banana
  • 2 large egg
  • 15g of chopped or dried dates
  • Cinnamon to taste – approximately 1 teaspoon
  • Ground ginger to taste – approximately 1 teaspoon
  • Coconut oil (for cooking)


Mini Power Pancakes
For an on the go bite sized snack “Mini Power Pancakes” are perfect during activities. Gently fry a heaped teaspoonful of mixture in the coconut oil to make this delicious bite sized pancake. Remove from heat and leave to cool and then bag up six at a time in sealable bags.

Mini Power Pancakes can be frozen and defrost in minutes so perfect to grab and go as you need them.

Fill up & Hit the trails

With bottles filled with either Tropical or Blackcurrant Mountain Fuel XTreme Energy drink we headed towards the trails, over stiles along a planned undulating 14 mile route towards Badbury Rings and sweeping back down into Wimborne.


Check out the Strava run and Join the XMiles Strava Group

And Rest!

Returning back to the XMiles Store for a much needed Mountain Fuel Recovery strawberry or chocolate shake.

The Next Product Testing Event - Tailwind Nutrition 

The next product testing run event is scheduled for Sunday 26th March, a 20 mile trail run where you can enjoy the trying the Tailwind Nutrition range.

Sign up for the event to avoid disappointment - limited spaces available

FREE tickets available via Eventbrite

Club Runs

This week we are also starting our weekly FREE runs with the social evening run. Our groups will run at the pace of the slowest runner, so if your just starting out or looking for a friendly social group why join us this week.

Meet in store dump your bag, keys, etc. use the facilities and enjoy the run!


Tuesday (Starting 21/02)

Evening Social - Meet in store at 18.45 for a 19.00 start, all abilities welcome

Our group will run with the slowest runner, however the social group will not run faster than 7:00 m/m - Each run will be between 5 - 7 miles.

Check facebook for this weeks run.


Hope to see you at an event soon

Article Author

Anthony Clark

Anthony is part of the XMiles team and England International Ultra Runner with a marathon PB of 02:30:06.

Follow Anthony on Twitter @fragilerunner and Power of 10
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