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18 Week Plan #Sub230 - Berlin Marathon 2015 - @fragilerunner Blog

18 Week Plan #Sub230 - Berlin Marathon 2015 - @fragilerunner Blog

Still buzzing from hitting my target bang-on in London02:30:06 - (5:44), and realising that I felt strong right to the end, I had an overwhelming thought that I have more in the tank. My original Berlin Marathon plan was to attempt sub2:30 however on refection of my performance at London, my targets have changed.  

NEW TRAINING TARGET - 02:25 (5:32)

In my head, it feels like a big step and finding another 12 seconds per mile seems unrealistic but this is how I felt at the same point in January. So, targets are set - sub230 is on and 02:25 is the new 'Dream Goal'

I have run Berlin marathon once before, on 26th September 2010 (02:57:55). This was part of running six marathons in 12 months and was definitely not looked upon as a race. However, this gives me some familiarity so i'm feeling relaxed about the race preparations and the course.

With the recovery month of May now complete, I have managed to over indulge as planned, drinking and eating far too much and i'm now carrying more weight, than I was planning (74.1kgs), into June. The focus is back! I also ran The Ox Ultra Marathon as my end of recovery have fun race with no real goal and then kick off the new plan on 1st June.

The Ox Ultra 35 miles (ish)

This was my end of recovery 'have fun' race and I, knowing the events put on by White Star Running, was very much looking forward to it. I had some unfinished business at the Ox Ultra, as last year some signs were sabotaged and I lost the lead after 18 miles by taking a 5 mile detour. I subsequently finished in 5th place with 40 miles covered. Now I was ready to set the record straight. So as normal, on the start line I changed my plan of sticking with a group for as much of the race as possible, and decided if the pace was not quick enough I would go alone. After 3 miles I realised this was the case and settledin, knocking off the miles and hitting 30 miles with a sub 7:00 mm average. The last 7 miles were a different story. Firstly, the terrain was significantly more undulating with two big hills that required hiking up rather than running and with my body expecting 5 miles, not 7, the legs weren't wanting to do the extra 2 miles. However, thinking I had a good lead, I dug in and set a new course record by some 50 minutes :-)

Berlin Training Plan

I am sticking with roughly the same schedule as for London 2015 with my slightly modified P&D training plan and the core 'BAC' Marathon endurance session designed by club-mate Steve Way.  Also I have a planned increase in my weekly mileage to max @ 115 mile per week.

The only real change I am looking to make is increasing the quality of the runs. During the later stages, in the build up to London  I was injecting a lot more MP (marathon paced) efforts into general runs, which I found improved the session massively and boosted my confidence and speed in my legs.

You can follow my progress on my full training log on Fetcheveryone.

Build Up Race Plan

My warm up races for Berlin are focused on half marathons, mainly due to work and general life & family stuff getting in the way of all the local 10k's but I will hopefully squeeze in some Parkruns along the way. The only race in my build-up that I have completed before is the Bristol Half Marathon (01:27:08 2011) although I am hoping to improve my half marathon PB of 1:14:04 that I set in Bath in build up to London Marathon.

Added recently is the Mizuno Endure24, I am delighted to have been asked to join the Profeet Mizuno Endure24 team this year. We have an eight strong mixed team which should see each runner clocking some 30 miles on a 5 mile loop. Full report to follow

Targeted Pre Berlin Races

12 - 14/06/15 - Mizuno Endure24 
28/06/15 - Torbay Half Marathon
02/08/15 - Sturminster Newton Half Marathon
13/09/15 - Bristol Half Marathon
23/08/15 - Bad Cow Marathon Day 2

Diet & Nutrition

Again I'm sticking to my London plan and target race weigh of 67 -69kgs.  Planning to again cut out all alcohol and any junk food from 1st June until race day however might allow myself 1 or 2 on my birthday in August and the odd cake to celebrate those long runs. Little bit of work to do here as final weekend in May reported 74.1kgs whoops!

Enough talk better get on with the training...

Please feel free to comment. I am by no means an expert and am looking for advice and encouragement like any other runner. I hope you enjoyed my journey and found it somewhat interesting.

Article Author

Anthony Clark

Anthony is part of the XMiles team, with a marathon PB of 02:30:06. He represents Bournemouth AC. Currently recovering from injury Anthony is planning an Autumn target marathon.

Follow Anthony on Twitter @fragilerunner and Power of 10
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