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My 18m Chesil Beach Run For Clasp - Pete Roper - Supported by XMiles

My 18m Chesil Beach Run For Clasp - Pete Roper - Supported by XMiles

On the 2nd of September Pete Roper will be running the entire 18 mile length of Chesil Beach for a charity called CLASP

Who and Why CLASP?

CLASP, Counselling Life Advice Suicide Prevention Confronting the stigma surrounding Mental Illness by increasing Mental Health Awareness & reducing UK Suicides.

CLASP provide Counselling, life advice and suicide prevention for the illness of depression, a dreadful illness that can go unnoticed something Pete have suffered with for many years, and many others throughout the country.

My Challenge (by Pete Roper)

This challenge has been on my bucket list for sometime now, "Things to do before I die" so a date has been set, and I aim to give it my best shot, this challenge will not be an easy one, the entire beach is made up of shingle and pebbles, at the start West Bay the shingle is pea sized gradually increasing in size to fist sized at the finish at Chesil cove Portland.

Fastest Known Time (FKT) Attempt

As part of the challenge Pete will be attempting to set a Fastest Known Time (FKT) for the route

Only 2 runners have ever recorded finishing times, the first and fastest time 02:41:15 set by top Class English international athlete Bob Pape in 1962 3 years before I was born and 55 years ago and Ernie Smith from Horn Church Harriers tried to break the record in 1963 setting a time of 03:16.

Training & Preparation

The training will be hard and some specific gym work will be needed. The 7 mile length from Abbotsbury has water at both sides so once committed there's no going back, and the majority of it will be ran on a steepish camber all this adds to the challenge and I'm not getting any younger.

Challenge Support

Nutrition specialists XMiles Endurance Sports Store will be fuelling the challenge and the Trinity Osteopathic Practice have agreed to help support this challenge.

I'm also looking for a shoe sponsor if anyone can help it would be much appreciated.

If you would like to help me raise money for this much needed charity you can make a pledge at

Thank you for your support.

Pete Roper

Article Author

Peter Roper :The Off Road Guru
Pete Roper is heralded as 'The OffRoad Guru' in the veteran class. He specialises in providing tailored training programmes and Fast-Packing adventures on the South West Coast path, also Off Road running workshops, check it out @
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