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What is Race Pro?

What is Race Pro?

You are training hard for your next race. You want to go the distance and come out on top. But how do you know how much fuel to take with you?

Race Pro is a simple and effective single-source multi-hour endurance race strategy that has been specifically designed to see you through any event, whether it be an Ironman or an ultra marathon.

Race Pro is uncomplicated and easy on the gut, meaning that it is easy to digest and absorb. Whether you're running or cycling, this fuelling strategy will see you finish your race feeling strong and absolutely satiated.

To top it all off, Race Pro has been proven to enhance recovery post-exercise in athletes who have used it during training.


Race Pro is a fuel that is designed to help you feel strong and stable during your workout, so that you can have the performance of your life.

Race Pro is a chocolate or mocha flavoured fuel that is made with tummy-friendly carbohydrates. It's easy to digest and will leave you feeling energized and focused, not drained.

Race Pro has been formulated to help reduce the risk of muscle fatigue and increase your energy levels, so that you can perform at your best.


Depending on an athletes weight and carbohydrate requirements there are 2 serving options. 

STANDARD SERVING SIZE - Mix 4 scoops of Race Pro with 650 to 750 ml water (56 g Carbohydrates + 8.7 g Protein). 

SUPERSIZE ME - Mix 5 to 7 scoops of Race Pro with 650 to 750ml water (73 – 98 g Carbohydrates + 11.6 – 15.2 g Protein).

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