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The "Don't Be Sh*t!" Series - Training & Racing in Hot Weather

The "Don't Be Sh*t!" Series - Training & Racing in Hot Weather

I’ve had some great races in hot weather like my debut over the 100K distance back in 2013. A scorching hot day in Stockholm where all my competitors faded in the heat and I kept my pace going for the win.

Unfortunately, I’ve also had some really bad experiences in the heat like when I judged my effort very wrong in the 2016  “Wings for Life World Run” and ended up in an ambulance after throwing up all over David Coulthard’s feet!

Steve Way David Coulthard

So why such a big difference between these two races, in one word… acclimatisation.

I went into the Stockholm race having done all my training in some great UK weather with one of our hottest summers in a while. In contrast, the Wings for Life race was a freakishly hot day in May after a chilly spring build up.

Steve Way Stockholm

The lesson to be learned both in this example and for training in general is...

If you are running in a climate you are not used to it will affect your performance and you need to account for it.

As the temperatures increase this summer...

Don’t be disappointed if you find you need to slow down your training, especially on some of your longer runs.

If you train with a heart rate monitor...

You will notice an increase in your pulse compared to the same paced runs in cooler weather.

It’s not all bad news though, as the hot weather continues...

You’ll find your body will start to adapt...

and within a few weeks you’ll be back running the same pace you were before but enjoying the heat as well, you just need a little patience.

Easy runs in the summer heat should also be enjoyable, don’t forget to “smell the roses”, relax and make the most of the decent weather.

Your pace on these days should be the last thing on your mind.

The other key aspect when it comes to training in the heat is...


If you’re like me then in the winter months you can get away with drinking very little water on your runs but it’s not only foolish but also dangerous to think you can get away with the same when things heat up.

If you need to get an idea of how much fluid you are losing during your run then get into the habit of weighing yourself before and after, every kilo is roughly a litre of fluid loss!

Steve Way

As well as making sure you take some water out with you while running it is also more important than ever that you “make the most” of your water and replenish all those lost minerals and electrolytes. 

Adding electrolyte tabs to your water during your run and using them for post exercise recovery will go a long way to keeping you hydrated. Such as, 32Gi's Hydrate Tablets, which contain electrolytes and vitamins, perfect for keeping you going for longer - and then some. 

And don’t forget, the beauty of all this heat training is if you find yourself in a race on a much cooler day you may just be pleasantly surprised with your performance as sensible training in hot weather can lead to some great aerobic gains!

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