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Bethan Male - Ambassadors during Lockdown

Bethan Male - Ambassadors during Lockdown

Hi, I'm Beth and I work as a physiotherapist. I live with my boyfriend and our dog on the outskirts of Brighton. I got in to triathlon around 6 years ago and since then have become an endurance addict competing in Ironman and ultramarathons. So far it seems the further I go the better I do but I've not yet done anything over 10hrs... I grew up swimming and occasionally doing cross country for school with no training. I got in to triathlon after I injured my ankle and was told I would never run again (I replaced running with what was VERY casual cycling). After two years of rehabbing my ankle I could finally run again and triathlon seemed like the next obvious step... and it all spiralled out of control from there!

What are your personal bests?

I guess my proudest would be a 2:51 marathon at London last year, a 9:50 IM at Ironman Barcelona (3rd AG) and winning the Lakeland 50. 

What have you been doing during lockdown?

During lockdown I have been working full time as a physiotherapist on COVID and non-COVID wards at the hospital. I have carried on training pretty much as normal (I was lucky enough I could still get outside as I commute to work by bike). I guess at the beginning I did more indoor training on the turbo and treadmill. I also couldn’t swim for a while until the sea warmed up enough. I have just arrived in France where I will spend the next two months. My boyfriend is French so we have decided to use COVID as an opportunity... he can “work from home” whilst I have a break from work and try and finally start learning French! This is also perfect location for training and we are planning some interesting challenges involving Mont Ventoux (which you can see from his garden). 

Did COVID-19 affect many events / training?

COVID has meant that all my planned events for this year have been cancelled (much like everyone else). This includes the SDW 50 (ultra marathon) and Ironman Italy. The SDW 100 which will be my first 100 miles has been delayed to November. I’m a bit apprehensive about the potential weather at that time of year in the UK... I am hopeful that some events will go ahead in France soon and I can finally race!  

How did you cope with training during Lockdown?

I guess I am somewhat lucky in that I really enjoy training. I would be lying if I said I didn’t lose some motivation though. I have found it harder to do the “type 2 fun” sessions without the push of an upcoming race, meaning I have probably slacked on the intervals, especially running... I have spend a lot of time on Zwift and really got into Zwift racing. My bike fitness has really improved as a result of this and I have had a few PB’s up local climbs recently. 

How have you found being an ambassador for XMiles?

Being an ambassador for XMiles has been a good opportunity for me. I love trying different sport nutrition (I’m still not sure I’ve found the perfect solution for me but I have enjoyed trying new products). I have also found the SNB very useful for all those turbo sessions.

What do you have planned for the future?

Now that I have arrived in France and am beginning to acclimatise to the hot weather I have a few plans. We (my partner and I) are very much hoping the Ventouxman triathlon goes ahead in September. I have unfinished business there after feeling unwell and therefore not taking on enough nutrition last year, resulting in a spectacular bonk halfway up the climb on the bike... We also plan to do the “Ventoux Triple” where you climb the mountain from three different routes in one day. There will be plenty of other adventures which don’t involve Mont Ventoux but they are not quite planned yet... probably a weekend trip to the Alps and another weekend to the Pyrenees for some running and cycling. Basically I want to make the most of the next two months before I have to go back to the UK, back to work and back to reality! 

About the Author
XMiles Ambassador -

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