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About me and my plans for 2016 - by David Long @Longy5000

About me and my plans for 2016 - by David Long @Longy5000

So for this month's blog we decided that I would do more of an introduction of myself and cover my plans for the upcoming summer and autumn instead of a specific topic. However if anyone has a topic that they would like to me cover in future blogs, let me know via the comment below!

I have been a runner tor a number of years now, the journey started with me doing a bit of running and playing football to a half decent standard but nothing special. I then decided to take running a bit more seriously following a win in the Bournemouth Cross Country as a 15-year-old. I had begun to enjoy running a lot more than football and the fact it was an Individual sport where my own efforts make my own results.

The next few years were a little bit rocky. Trying to find what works, find my drive for the sport and in general find my feet.

I mainly stayed on the road for the first few years, which is probably quite unusual. My dad always entered 10k and 5 mile races so I would just have a go as well. It's probably where my love for the road began. I soon began being coached by my uncle who was an alright athlete back in the day (2:12 for a Marathon and 62:19 or a Half “alright!”) and we slowly began making bigger jumps by focusing down more on the track rather than on the road, which I have to admit was probably more of a passion at the time. I always felt I was slow on the track and I had more success on the roads, so no wonder it's what I preferred! But It is important to find that speed whilst I was still young. Speed development is important for any distance so I had to just hope that it would be worth It.

The cycle then began of track in the summer and Cross country in the winter. A true old school approach that has worded for numerous athletes in years gone by and certainly something that people will continue to do. The track was always the 1500m, 3000m, occasionally a 5k or a 800m. Cross was just whatever the distance was or the age-group. I had always hoped it was to be longer though in the early days! That pretty much leads up to now. We just finished probably the most-successful Cross Country season we've ever had with my best performances in a National. I always had a habit of chocking for the big ones but I think I choked just a little bit less than usual! Now it's time to put down some targets and desires for the upcoming track season.

In two weeks’ time, I’ll be taking part in the Eastleigh 10k. A race I have done probably 5 or 6 years and always a good one. I averaged a 74-sacond PB every year since I began running 10k, and it would be great if that could continue but I think a 29:50 could be a push for this one. It always brings some good quality athletes from around the area in, which hopefully should lead to a half-decent race.

After that, the big aim is going to be the Highgate 10.000m on the 21st of May. A huge race and opportunity to run a big time on a big stage. I have no specific target for this one, other than to run faster than at Eastleigh! I don’t want to put a limit on it. It’s always a massive spectacle and I would encourage anyone to come watch and embrace the atmosphere. My hope is to be the Men’s ‘B’ race that was won in 30:08. My bet is this year with it being the Olympic trial, there will be more interest and, no doubt, that winning time this year will be much quicker. The U23 European Time is 29:30, and I'll have another year to have a go yet, so one can dream!

The rest of the summer will have me concentrating on running 5000m on the track. It will be my first year of properly having a go at it and stepping up in the distance. My hope is that the training will be much more suited to me as a runner so will make a difference to my 3000m! I’ll hopefully be involved in a few of the BMC races and of course the British League with Boumemouth!

To round off the season and hopefully put the cherry on top of a good year. I’ll also be racing my debut Half Marathon in September, in Philadelphia. The trip itself is a family holiday to see family etc. but since we're all running anyway, it seems rude to not have a go at a half! It's a complete unknown and providing the preparation beforehand is good, I can only hope that It will be a good experience!

This sums up my targets for the future year. Unfortunately not trips to Kenya in the foreseeable time but hopefully a longer trip out there planned for October, but we will have to wait and see!

Thanks for reading.

Article Author

David Long

David is part of the XMiles ambassadors team and represents Bournemouth AC. Keep up to date on his writing about his adventures.

Follow David on Twitter @longy5000 and Power of 10
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