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Introducing Camino Ultra!

Introducing Camino Ultra!

We are proud to announce that we are partnering with London based running community, Camino Ultra!

Who are Camino Ultra?

Camino are a tribe of London based ultra-marathon runners and coaches.

Camino founders have been running ultramarathons around the globe for over a decade but we also appreciate how important it is to look for local based events that don't have the same impact on the planet we love. We are passionate about connecting people with the green-space trails that exist in every town and city as well as giving people the skills and knowledge to be able to explore new epic terrains.

  • Our events are accessible to everyone.
  • 9-hour cut-offs for our 50k events - alternative length routes coming in 2023
  • We've worked tirelessly with amazing organisations to change the dynamics of ultrarunning
  • We partner with businesses we love

Next Up - London Ultra 50k

On the 25th March, Camino will be hosting the third official edition of their London Lea Valley Ultra 50k.

Starting in Welwyn (Gosling Sports Centre) and making its way to Hackney via Hertford, Ware and Broxbourne and the Lea Valley canal. They have three aid stations again this year, situated at:

  • 11k - Hertford Canoe Club
  • 25k - Crown Pub, Broxbourne
  • 37k - Ponders End Lock

These aid stations also double as fantastic places for friends and family to come and watch.

The course is fast and should be a great opportunity for those looking for their first “runnable” Ultra and those who are looking to get a great PB.

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