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The importance of nutrition in endurance events is key to how successful you are in your performance, getting you nutrition right can make a good race great BUT getting it wrong at worst can spell disaster in a DNF or just a very long and gruelling day on your feet.

At XMiles, we understand how important getting nutrition right is to your training and racing, whilst knowing that nutrition requirements are different for everyone, with the added complexity in understanding the changing needs for individuals in the varied events you are undertaking. We also know that this is not a requirement just for the beginner to the sport or a new distance, but also to the many experienced runners who still struggle with nutrition.

The basics of ensuring you are ready pre race including the days before your event, combined with a race day strategy to keep you going to the end. Fuelling early and keeping your energy stores topped up rather than running into a depleted state and experiencing a roller coaster of peaks and lows.


To help understand some strategies and give examples for fuelling we have put together our race day fuelling nutrition guides. These guides are designed to give you a foundation understanding to help you get the best from your race preparation and to give examples of which products we would recommend to fuel you for the perfect run.  

At XMiles, we know every runner is different so this guide should be used as a resource for your nutrition planning, whilst giving examples products to assist in guiding you around a growing choice or brands and products.

Guide by Race Discipline

Our guides have been put together to show examples of nutrition strategies across a range of distances. To use the guides, please select a discipline below; 




Road Guide Trail Guide Ultra Guide


We recommend that you should always test products for yourself so we have a number of Trial Packs available across our ranges.

Why not try the XMiles Monthly Nutrition Box, a great way to sample the latest products and test out different flavours in our monthly selection.

Need Assistance?

On top of our tailored courses and 1 on 1 consultancy we offer a FREE advice service via our messenger feed.

If you are still not sure what products you should use, why not send us a message using our 'Ask the Team' service and we will respond to your request within 24 hours, or use the Messenger service by clicking the 'Message Us' button that appears on the bottom right of the screen.

Previous article The Squash Player's Diet: Fuelling Success on the Court