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UCAN is here!
UCAN is here!
3 gels for £3
Precision Fuel Taster Pack
Precision Fuel Taster Pack
Exclusive to XMiles
Mountain Fuel Chia Gel Taster Pack
Mountain Fuel Chia Gel Taster Pack
3 gels for £2
TRIHARD Taster Pack
TRIHARD Taster Pack
Skin & Hair Care for Triathletes
Active Root Gel Pack
Active Root Gel Pack
3 gels for £3

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In the constantly changing landscape of today's world, prioritizing sustainability is imperative for achieving business success and laying the foundation for a brighter future spanning multiple generations.
Ranging from the 100% recyclable packaging and boxes that our fulfilment team use, to the all-natural ingredients and sustainable packaging of products, here 
at XMiles, we are dedicated to constantly improve our knowledge and understanding of sustainability, and work with the brands across our website to continue to enhance our level of overall sustainability. 

In this collection we have brought together all of the brands that are using their platform and their products to advocate for change and lead the charge to a more sustainable future. 

  • Squirrel's Nut Butter Anti-Chafe SNB Stick XMiles
    Squirrel's Nut Butter Anti-Chafe SNB Sticks XMiles
    Squirrel's Nut Butter

    SNB Sticks

    From €13,15 - €26,37 EUR

    The Squirrel's Nut Butter Anti-Chafe Stick is a game-changer for athletes and active individuals seeking an effective, natural solution to chafing...

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  • Squirrel's Nut Butter Anti-Chafe SNB Original Anti-Chafe Tubs XMiles
    Squirrel's Nut Butter Anti-Chafe 2.0oz Tub (56g) / Original Blend SNB Anti-Chafe Tubs XMiles
    Squirrel's Nut Butter

    SNB Anti-Chafe Tubs


    Squirrel's Nut Butter (SNB) Anti-Chafe Tubs are the ultimate solution for athletes and active individuals seeking to prevent skin irritation cause...

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