It’s your choice - with our knowledge.

Race Report - The Dorset Invader Marathon - Kasia Lubowiecka - 2016
My aim for 2016 is to complete 12 marathons – one each month. This means that I fall into a bit of a routine of training and nutrition. My day to day activities include cycling to work, gym (BodyPump classes) and short, 5km runs.
I always have breakfast before a race, my favourite is a couple of slices of toast with jam and banana slices. This time however, I had granola with rice milk and a coffee – a bit of extra sugar, I had a feeling I was going to need it.
I had a backpack with Tailwind and some Clif Bars with me, other than that I was relying on the aid stations, which are very well supplied at all the White Star Running races.
My plan was to try out my new race belt with two small bottles, so that I didn’t have to carry a lot of weight. However, the weather quickly verified my plan by making the race day the hottest day of the year. This made my decision very easy - backpack with a 1.5l of Tailwind nutrition drink, the bottles on my new belt were far too small.
It was the first time I tried a nutrition drink, usually I have gel blocks with me. The 1.5l of liquid was an equivalent of 5 gels and I much preferred that. In a heat like during this years Dorset Invader Marathon, it is really difficult to eat and knowing that there is a substantial nutritional value in your drink is great!
The conditions were very hard, it was hot and humid, the terrain was tricky and it was good to know that I had a very easy way of getting calories in me to keep me going. I had my Clif Bar as well as Tailwind (which is my standard race food) and at the aid stations I ate, watermelon, cake (they had Guinness cake!) and drunk Coke. I felt like this was enough for me.
Being prepared for this race in terms of food and drink made a significant difference to the quality of the day I had in a field. It was very challenging, but I felt strong and finished happy (a bit ruined, but still happy).
This is my treat time.
Just after the race I had a veggie burger, to keep me going and an elderflower soft drink. I also had a High5 electrolyte drink to ensure that I’m not missing any microelements, it was still very hot.
My standard post-race treat is a pizza, which I had in the evening when I got home.
It’s your choice - with our knowledge.