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Nutrition for Running

Nutrition for Running

Running Nutrition

Fueling your run is important to maintain energy levels and performance, especially during longer runs, 60 minutes or more. As you run, your body uses up glycogen - its main fuel source. Without adequate glycogen replacement, you'll start to feel fatigued, have trouble concentrating, and your pace will slow.

Energy gels and energy drinks provide easily digestible carbohydrates to top up glycogen as you run. Gels offer concentrated doses of carbs in a portable, convenient package. Energy drinks provide lower concentrations delivered steadily as you sip. Aim to consume 30-60 grams of carbs per hour from gels and/or drinks when running for over 60-90 minutes.

Energy Gels for Running


Energy Drinks for Running


Energy Bars for Running


Recovery Drinks for Running


Hydration for Running


Stay well-hydrated before and during your runs by drinking up to 500ml of fluid 2-3 hours pre-run. For longer efforts, aim for 100 to 200ml every 20 to 30 minutes. Water suffices for shorter runs, but opt for hydration drinks on runs exceeding 60 minutes to replenish lost electrolytes.

Optimize recovery post-run by consuming a mix of protein and carbs within 30 to 60 minutes. Aim for 0.3-0.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Convenient options include recovery drinks or recovery bars. Prompt refueling reduces muscle soreness and prepares you for robust training in the days ahead.

If you are training for a marathon, why not check out our specific page about nutrition and energy for marathons.

Running Nutrition: Insights

Nutrition for Running: FAQs

What is the best nutrition for running?

For runs under 60 minutes, you typically don't need to fuel during the run. Focus on eating a balanced diet with complex carbs, protein, and healthy fats. Good options are oatmeal, sweet potatoes, quinoa, eggs, nuts, and seeds. For longer runs, energy gels, hydration drinks, and carbohydrate drinks can help provide fuel and prevent fatigue.

What should a 1600-metre runner eat?

1600-metre runners need quick, easily digested carbs before a race, like a banana, energy gel, or sports drink. Oatmeal or sweet potatoes make good complex carb choices a few hours beforehand. Post-race, consume carbs to replenish muscle glycogen within 30 minutes, like a recovery shake.

How much should I eat as a runner?

Most runners need around 0.5-0.8 grams of carbs per pound of body weight daily to fuel runs and recover properly. Moderate portions of nutritious complex carbs, protein, and fats at all meals help provide this.

What food makes you run faster?

Carbohydrate-rich foods provide quick energy for faster paces. Good options are energy gels and energy drinks, bananas, raisins, potatoes, pasta, and bread. Caffeine can also help improve speed temporarily. Stay well hydrated by drinking to thirst.

How can I run more without getting tired?

Pace yourself appropriately for the duration by running at a conversational effort. Carry energy gels or energy drinks to provide calories and electrolytes mid-run. Stay hydrated by drinking a hydration drink before and during, and breathe deeply from your diaphragm. Build your endurance gradually over time

Should I account for electrolyte loss?

Yes, especially if racing in heat or you tend to sweat heavily. Add electrolyte tablets to your energy drink or consume an electrolyte-infused sports drink. This helps prevent painful cramping.

Choosing the Best Running Fuel

You can utilise our complimentary nutrition calculator to determine the precise amount of fuel required for your upcoming. Our free tool is designed to assist you in planning your nutritional intake, ensuring that you have the optimal energy levels to perform at your best during the event.

By inputting relevant details such as your training intensity, body weight, and the duration of your run, our calculator will generate a personalised nutrition plan tailored to your specific needs.

Take the guesswork out of your fuelling strategy and enhance your performance with our user-friendly nutrition calculator.