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Haiggy ‘s 50 @ 50 - XMiles Supported Challenge

Haiggy ‘s 50 @ 50 - XMiles Supported Challenge

XMiles are very proud to be supporting HAIGGYS 50


We love to see someone taking on a personal challenge, and really wanted to be involved to help support Haiggy on his journey to raise money for a amazing charity and cause 'JoiningJack'. XMiles will be providing nutrition support during the challenge.

Who is Haiggy & What is the challenge?

So after a few years successfully training to become overweight with the assistance of German amber fuel I have decided to shake my tail feathers and challenge myself to get in shape and raise some money for charity.

To celebrate my 50 years on this planet I’m raising funds to support 8 year old Jack, who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

The Challenge

For 50 weeks from 16th October 2016 I aim to do the following:

50 Marathons in 50 weeks

Complete x1 marathon (26.2 miles) per week in a single run or event – this will be a mixture of unofficial and official marathons.

My week will run from Sunday to Saturday and distance will measured using my Garmin (it better not run out of battery)

I will do this mainly off road and expect the average time to be 6.30 hours. Luckily I found Tailwind Nutrition so energy is taken care of and my wife will be dropping me off at numerous locations around the country.

She seems to be really happy I am doing this although my life insurance contributions have for some reason trebled????

Not get my haircut – top knot, here I come. #LifeGoals.

This is going to be really tough and I confess I shed a tear when someone told me they had invented brushes and product for longer hair- what the hell is product?

Give up all alcohol !!

This means not drinking on my 50th birthday, Christmas, New Year or every event and all those summer British BBQ’s.

This was the last really, really stupid idea I came up with and I wasn’t drunk when I thought of it. This will certainly impact on the German economy, more than Brexit.

As they say, there’s no rest for the wicked – if I don’t complete it I will treble the amount raised so every penny counts my friends.

And to add a little spice

Oh and I also aim to compete in a Swedish 90km Cross country ski race in March………..did I mention it was at night so head torch only.

And why not do an Ironman in July when I may wear a pink dress as my hair will be longer and more unkempt than Russell Brands.

About Haiggy (Paul)

So we wanted to let you know where we are starting from, so the key starting stats are;

Starting weight: 88.45kg

Hair Length : Grade 2

Mood: Expectant

Keep up to date with Haiggy ‘s 50 @ 50 progress on his blog and watch the stats change!


I’m raising funds to support 8 year old Jack who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).  All funds raised will go towards research in finding a treatment for Duchenne and help children like Jack.

To find out more information visit the website.


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