It’s your choice - with our knowledge.

Jo Meek - The Marathon Series
Where was your first marathon?
My first marathon was London. It was a looooong time ago - 1997, I think. I finished in 3hrs 29mins. I can't remember what I ate at all. Training was typical - long run at the weekend, 2 track sessions a week etc).
Where was your last marathon?
My last marathon was a covid limited edition! It is Shepperdine, Gloucestershire. I did 2hrs 56mins. I wanted a good for age time (which I think it about 3:20). My training was consistent with one faster session a week and a long run at the weekend alternating with some marathon pace work. I used 3 gels which worked well.
What would be your main marathon tip for a first timer?
Practise running at your marathon pace in training if you're aiming for a specific time. If not, just go out and enjoy it!
Where is your dream marathon?
I would ike to tick of the 6 (soon to be 7 I think) World Major races (Berlin, London, Chicago, New York, Boston, Tokyo)
It’s your choice - with our knowledge.