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Bethan Male - The Marathon Series

Bethan Male - The Marathon Series

Where was your first marathon?

My first marathon was a trail marathon in the New Forest. I remember using water and gels, but I couldn't tell you which gels I used. I chose to do a trail marathon as at the time I wasn't sure I could run that far on road...  I figured the trail would stop me from getting bored. I wasn't run but probably regretted my choice on the last hill to the finish! 


Where was your last marathon?

My last proper marathon was London in 2018. I ran my PB. It was one of those days when everything just falls in to place and feels good. Again, gels in my pocket and water from the aid stations. I think I used GU for this one. I've run some ultras since then and used gels, chews, and bars to get round. 


What would be your main marathon tip for a first timer?

Practice your nutrition in training and find out what works for YOU. Just because your friend things they've found the perfect fuel for them, doesn't mean that you will find the same! 


Where is your dream marathon?

I'm not sure to be honest. I loved London as you feel like you get carried round by the crowds and all the other runners. Also not living too far away meant lots of support on course and hearing your name always helps! Currently I'm spending a lot more time off road, but I would love to travel around and do the marathon majors. 

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