It’s your choice - with our knowledge.

Orienteering - Gavin Clegg
Nutrition Plan
To misquote Benjamin Franklin, in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes and taking longer to recover from injury as you get older. In my 61st year to continue to perform well means to stay injury free. Nutrition must play an important role in this. I have always thought I should take more interest in what I eat but to date have survived on attempting to eat sensibly and ‘everything in moderation’.
I compete regularly. 107 races in 2016, 2015 was a fairly lean year with 76 races. 2013 a bumper year – 116 races.
The norm is somewhere between. These races are throughout the year and although I try to peak for the annual World Masters, the date each year can vary from April to September. A flexible outlook is required.
Breakfast is muesli with oats, blueberries, cranberries, a few mixed nuts, plain yoghurt, milk and honey. Once a week scrambled eggs on toast and occasional Saturday morning treats of Croissant. To manage the osteoarthritis in my right knee I take Glucosamine Sulphate. I extend it regularly, especially before racing and it's probably more flexible and less painful now than it was ten years ago. I take one general vitamin tablet and to keep me injury free, a shark liver oil tablet.
Pre Race
Before racing I will usually have a 500ml sports drink. Brazilian Guava being my favourite or a coffee.
Post Race
Post race plenty of water. As my races are usually less than an hour, no during race nutrition is required.
Going the distance
If I know I am going to be doing a distance race, for example a mountain marathon, or the 3 hour Viree Nocturne. Then I will spend the week prior knocking back the beetroot juice. At least 250 ml a day. A warning on this one: what colour goes in also comes out!
It’s your choice - with our knowledge.