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UCAN is here!
UCAN is here!
3 gels for £3
Precision Fuel Taster Pack
Precision Fuel Taster Pack
Exclusive to XMiles
Mountain Fuel Chia Gel Taster Pack
Mountain Fuel Chia Gel Taster Pack
3 gels for £2
TRIHARD Taster Pack
TRIHARD Taster Pack
Skin & Hair Care for Triathletes
Active Root Gel Pack
Active Root Gel Pack
3 gels for £3

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Hitting the wall during a race, session or workout is never fun. Our one-of-a-kind tool creates you a personalized nutrition plan, you can then add to your list from our range of products, & checkout with confidence.

No more guesswork - fuel correctly. Your next session just got better.

Create your list in 6 easy steps

1) Create your nutrition list

To create a list: enter your list name, sport, distance, predicted time, weight and gender.

Our tool can create a nutrition list for all the sports below:


2) Your list is generated

From here, you can add products in to meet your goals...

XMiles Nutrition Calculator

3) Add products to your list, to meet your goals

1) Go to your desired product.

2) Scroll down and click “Add to list”

3) Click this button, and a list of your existing nutrition lists will appear.

4) Select the list you want to add the product to, and it will be added instantly.

4) Your list is generated

Once you’ve added products into your list, it should look a little something like this! 👇

XMiles Nutrition Calculator

5) Sort your list to match your totals

Once you’ve sorted your products into before, during and after then your targets will be green!

If your targets are red, then increase the quantity or add more products to meet your targets.

As you can see, the plan we have above for UTMB CCC is ready!

6) Your list is complete

Now you’re ready, all you have to do is click “Add list to cart” and then checkout.

Your race nutrition is then packed, and delivered to you.

XMiles Nutrition Calculator

Our nutrition calculator is now live.

To start, click the button below. Follow the prompts, and create your nutrition list.

It’s your choice - with our knowledge.