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Try Active Root
No More Gut Bombs
Precision Fuel Taster Pack
Precision Fuel Taster Pack
Exclusive to XMiles
Active Root Gel Pack
Active Root Gel Pack
3 gels for £3
Ultra Immune C Taster Pack
Ultra Immune C Taster Pack
3 sachets for £3

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SCY x XMiles

SCY x XMiles

SCY is a Strength, Conditioning & Yoga for Runners programme brought to you by Carla Molinaro: a record-breaking professional ultra runner and 50km World Champion. XMiles is excited to partner with SCY to provide the prizes to members for completing sessions and getting involved with the monthly challenges.

SCY has everything you need to run further and faster whilst keeping those niggles away.

SCY Membership Includes:

  • 30-minute yoga for runners session every week
  • 30-minute strength and conditioning for runners session every week
  • Access to the community on the app as well as private Facebook and Strava groups
  • Q&A sessions with running experts
  • Discounts from SCY running partners
  • Monthly prizes sponsored by XMiles

Most runners aren’t interested in doing hours of strength training at the gym.

With SCY you can do your strength training anywhere: at home, in the park, or at the gym. With just two 30-minute sessions every week, we’ll help you recover faster, prevent injuries, and build a stronger foundation for sustainable progress. It's not a fast solution; it’s one that fits seamlessly on top of your existing running plan. SCY gives you everything you need and nothing you don’t need so you can run further, faster.

Head here to sign up:

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