We started with a simple belief, that you can realise the greatest version of yourself while being mindful of others. We responsibly-sourced nootropics for your brain. Backed by science, our products are designed with your optimal performance in mind. We believe business should be a force for good – meaning we’re good for you and good for others too.
Getting your daily nutrition doesn’t have to come at a cost to others. We can look beyond ourselves.
There’s a more responsible way forward.
We believe the path to performance is paved with plants.
We empower the individual to meet their unique goals - on their own terms.
We are impact-driven. Personal performance is just the beginning.
We aim to inspire a movement that encourages health beyond appearance and wellbeing beyond their own being.
It’s just the way good nutrition ought to be.
Our Values
Empowering the Individual
Performance is yours to define. We're all on a path to our potential. Whatever your goals, there’s room for everyone at our table.
Flourishing Ethically
We use trusted research and sustainable practices to naturally support your wellbeing. How we choose to nourish ourselves impacts others.
For People and Planet
We believe human health depends on the health of our planet and that together we can impact society in a way that’s bigger than our products alone.
Unbound by Convention
We are quick thinkers who don't rush. Our success lies in doing the unexpected, taking our time and not compromising.